How to make custom tags with angular 2? -
i have problem custom component. problem link model [(ngmodule)] = "value" , gives error follows:
unhandled promise rejection: template parse errors: can't bind 'ngmodule' since isn't known property of 'gpi-input'. 1. if 'gpi-input' angular component , has 'ngmodule' input, verify part of module. 2. if 'gpi-input' web component add "custom_elements_schema" '@ngmodule.schemas' of component suppress message. (" <div> <h1>input:</h1> <gpi-input name="somevalue" [error ->][(ngmodule)]="valueinput"> escriu algu plis!! </gpi-input>
the code components are:
import { component, forwardref } '@angular/core'; import { ng_value_accessor, controlvalueaccessor } '@angular/forms'; const noop = () => { }; export const custom_input_control_value_accessor: = { provide: ng_value_accessor, useexisting: forwardref(() => gpiinputcomponent), multi: true }; @component({ selector: 'gpi-input', template: `<div class="form-group"> <label> <ng-content></ng-content> </label> <input [(ngmodel)]="value" class="form-control" (blur)="onblur()"> </div>`, providers: [custom_input_control_value_accessor], }) export class gpiinputcomponent implements controlvalueaccessor { //the internal data model private innervalue: = ''; //placeholders callbacks later provided //by control value accessor private ontouchedcallback: () => void = noop; private onchangecallback: (_: any) => void = noop; //get accessor value(): { return this.innervalue; }; //set accessor including call onchange callback set value(v: any) { if (v !== this.innervalue) { this.innervalue = v; this.onchangecallback(v); } } //set touched on blur onblur() { this.ontouchedcallback(); } //from controlvalueaccessor interface writevalue(value: any) { if (value !== this.innervalue) { this.innervalue = value; } } //from controlvalueaccessor interface registeronchange(fn: any) { this.onchangecallback = fn; } //from controlvalueaccessor interface registerontouched(fn: any) { this.ontouchedcallback = fn; } }
and app.module.ts
import { ngmodule, custom_elements_schema } '@angular/core'; import { browsermodule } '@angular/platform-browser'; import { formsmodule } '@angular/forms'; import { ngbmodule } '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap'; import { appcomponent } './app.component'; import { gpiinputcomponent } "../formularis/input/gpi-input"; @ngmodule({ imports: [browsermodule, formsmodule, ngbmodule.forroot()], declarations: [appcomponent, gpiinputcomponent], bootstrap: [appcomponent], schemas: [custom_elements_schema] }) export class appmodule { }
import { component } '@angular/core'; import '../../public/css/styles.css'; @component({ selector: 'my-app', templateurl: './src/app/app.component.html', //styleurls: ['./app.component.css'] }) export class appcomponent { valueinput: string = ""; }
can dirme problem or give me reference of please. thank you!! =)
i've seen other questions community custom_elements_schema adds file app.module @ngmodule within shcemas, problem persists.
the problem not component showing, component uses component.
<gpi-input name="somevalue" [error ->][(ngmodule)]="valueinput"> escriu algu plis!! </gpi-input>
should [(ngmodel)]
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