Best way to import MongoDB data in Azure Machine Learning -

i have mongodb database (the bitnami one) hosted on azure. want import data there use in azure machine learning experiment.

currently, exporting data .csv using mongoexport , copy/pasting "enter manually data" module. fine small amounts of data prefer have more robust technique larger databases.

i thought using "import data" module http url along http port (28017) of mongodb instance read not recommended use of http mongodb feature.

finally, have installed cosmosdb instead of bitnami mongodb , worked fine thing costs arm when used sitecore (it reaches around 100€ per day) , can't afford switched mongo.

so there better way export data mongo azure ml ?

one way use python code block in azureml, this:

import pandas p import pymongo m  def azureml_main():     c = m.mongoclient(host='host_ip')     = p.dataframe(c.database_names())     return 


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