angular - How to load a function of one component in another -
i have function in navbar shows notifications , want run same function in component show latest notifications not sure process.
my navbar component,
@component({ selector: 'header-navbar', templateurl: './app/navbar/navbar.html', }) export class navbar implements oninit { notification : any; header :any; constructor(public http: http, fbld: formbuilder, public config: config,public router: router) { ngoninit(){ this.getnotifications(); } getnotifications(){ var headers = new headers(); headers.append('content-type', 'application/json') this.http.get(this.header + 'getcategorynotificationscountbyuserid/'+this.user.username, { headers: headers }) .subscribe( response => { if (response.json().error_code == 0) { this.notification = response.json().result; } else { if(response.json().result == 0){ this.notification == undefined; } } }); }
my post componenet,
export class posts { showseemore: = true; articleform: formgroup; commentform: formgroup; constructor(private route: activatedroute,public _navbar : navbar,public _notifications : getnotifications, public router: router, public http: http, public config: config, fbld: formbuilder) {} //here want load getnotifications() function of navbar component ////
can 1 please suggest help.
you can create 1 service shared between navbar
, posts
component in can define observable can subscribe observable navbar
, perform action when receive value 'posts'.
import { injectable, inject } '@angular/core'; import { subject } 'rxjs/subject'; @injectable() export class commonservice { private notify = new subject<any>(); /** * observable string streams */ notifyobservable$ = this.notify.asobservable(); constructor(){} public notifyother(data: any) { if (data) {; } } }
import { component, oninit, ondestroy } '@angular/core'; import { subscription } 'rxjs/subscription'; import { commonservice } './common.service'; @component({ selector: 'header-navbar', templateurl: './app/navbar/navbar.html', }) export class navbar implements oninit, ondestroy { notification : any; header :any; private subscription: subscription; constructor(public http: http, fbld: formbuilder, public config: config,public router: router, private commonservice: commonservice) { ngoninit(){ this.getnotifications(); } getnotifications(){ let headers = new headers(); headers.append('content-type', 'application/json') this.http.get(this.header + 'getcategorynotificationscountbyuserid/' + this.user.username, { headers: headers }).subscribe( response => { if (response.json().error_code == 0) { this.notification = response.json().result; } else { if(response.json().result == 0){ this.notification == undefined; } } }); this.subscription = this.commonservice.submitobservable$.subscribe((res) => { if (res.hasownproperty('option') && res.option === 'get_notification') { console.log(res.value); // perform other action here this.getnotifications(); } }); } ngondestroy() { this.subscription.unsubscribe(); } }
import { component, oninit, ondestroy } '@angular/core'; import { subscription } 'rxjs/subscription'; import { commonservice } './common.service'; @component({ selector : 'posts', templateurl : './posts.html' }) export class posts implements oninit, ondestroy { constructor( private commonservice: commonservice ){ } ngoninit() { this.commonservice.notifyother({option: 'get_notification', value: 'from navbar'}); } }
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