php - Relationship query orWhere overwrites other wheres -


survey based on few questions returns x amount of apartments based on results.

an apartment can have static price (price), or price range (price_min , price_max) - not apartments have static price yet being defined price range (for example 900-1000 monthly rent)


without orwhere([['price_min', '!=', null], ['price_max', '!=', null], ['price_min', '<', '900']] works fine. apartments past where conditions being returned; although when orwhere condition being added all apartments price range (so no price) being returned, no matter previous conditions such floor or sun


$selectedtype = type::where('slug', '=', $slug)->where('type', '=', 'studio')->with(['apartments' => function ($query) use ($request) {     $query->where('status', '!=', 'sold');      if ($request->floor == 'low') {         $query->where('floor', '<', '5');     } elseif ($request->floor == 'mid') {         $query->where('floor', '>', '1')->where('floor', '<', '6');     } elseif ($request->floor == 'high') {         $query->where('floor', '>', '4');     }      if ($request->sun == 'morning_sun') {         $query->where('sun', '=', 'morning');     } elseif ($request->sun == 'evening_sun') {         $query->where('sun', '=', 'evening');     }      if ($request->price == '1') {         $query->where('price', '<', '900')->orwhere([['price_min', '!=', null], ['price_max', '!=', null], ['price_min', '<', '900']]);     } elseif ($request->price == '2') {         $query->where('price', '<', '999')->orwhere([['price_min', '!=', null], ['price_max', '!=', null], ['price_min', '<', '999']]);     } }])->first(); 

you need group orwhere conditions. following should trick:

if ($request->price == '1') {     $query->where(function($q) {       $q->where('price', '<', '900')->orwhere([['price_min', '!=', null], ['price_max', '!=', null], ['price_min', '<', '900']]);     }); } elseif ($request->price == '2') {     $query->where(function($q) {       $q->where('price', '<', '999')->orwhere([['price_min', '!=', null], ['price_max', '!=', null], ['price_min', '<', '999']]);     }); } 


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