excel - Match Forecasted Values to Actuals -

i receive daily file forecasts values given categories. filedate = fcstdate, value fcstval real, actual value. right i'm using excel power query (xl'16: & transform) pull dozens of files table resembles 1 below (400k+ rows, 18 levels in reality).

i need able say, on 1-1, 1-2 category aa|ac|null forecast 60, 44 respectively on 1-3, actual value 43. ditto every other row. most, not all, unique row combinations common between files. i'll have worry dealing renamed levels...

the table.partition, table.fillup, table.frompartitions power query functions express logic perfectly, power query far slow because seems read each large .xlsx file multiple times (+1x per row?!), made worse because i'd need index table distinct category levels & forecast dates partition on.

right i'm reduced using formula in excel table: =sumifs([actualval], [lvl1],[@[lvl1]], [lvl2],[@[lvl2]], [lvl3],[@[lvl3]], [filedt]],[@[fcstdt]], [@[eq]]="y") however, requires setting blanks 'null', changing values start "=" or ">", etc. , takes hours calculate.

i've been trying learn powerpivot/dax because understand it's able efficiently filter & calculate large data sets. i'm hoping solution set 'context' of dax calculation same row reference via old-fashioned excel formula & move value 'wanted' column - haven't figured out.

i'd prefer powerpivot solution if possible, if not, can make sense of python/pandas. however, we're stuck excel input 3rd party provider.

     lvl1 | lvl2 | lvl3 | filedt | fcstdt | eq | fcstval | actualval | wanted! 1-1: ________________________________________________________________________      aa    ab     ad      1-1       1-1    y     100        100          100      aa    ac     ae      1-1       1-1    y      50         50           50      aa    ab    (null)   1-1       1-2          110                     105      aa    ac    (null)   1-1       1-2         (null)                    45      aa    ab    (null)   1-1       1-3          120                     105      aa    ac    (null)   1-1       1-3           70                      43 1-2 file: ___________________________________________________________________      aa    ab    (null)   1-2       1-2    y     105        105          105      aa    ac    (null)   1-2       1-2    y      45         45           45      aa    ab    (null)   1-2       1-3          113                   (null)      aa    ac    (null)   1-2       1-3           44                      43 1-3 file: ___________________________________________________________________  (missing row aa|ab!)     1-3       1-3    y    (null)    (null)       (null)      aa    ac    (null)   1-3       1-3    y      43         43           43      aa    ab    (null)   1-3       1-4          108                   (null)      aa    ac    (null)   1-3       1-4           42                   (null) 


i'll share code because parts might useful others, , problem might in other parts.

my strategy load set of workbooks per table in open excel called . apply simple function extract table want workbook contents, , apply function processing possible on tables while still separate , thinking multithreading may better leveraged because they're still independent (is right?).

this ends first query: . prefer stop here , use powerpivot if can rest (with final table.combine if necessary).

in power query have combine tables - twice. first has fields, while second distinct set of grouping fields tables (without value or as-of date fields). single (i.e. first) table cannot used because grouping combinations may exist in later tables aren't in first, & vice versa. distinct table gets index.

i join second first via table.nestedjoin & extract index joined column. allows me divide data partitions have same forecast date & groups. here can filldown because tables pre-sorted in descending order of date in prep_data_table function, actual value, if flows down others of same group, , no further.

after this, recombine tables.


fieldmetadata holds data type & ordering information fields. sources holds pathnames & whether or not load specified file.


[thiswb = excel.currentworkbook() sources = thiswb{[name="sources"]}[content], fieldmetadata = thiswb{[name="fieldmetadata"]}, fieldtypes = table.torows(getcfg({"type"})), categoryfields = list.buffer(list.transform(list.select(list.transform(fieldtypes, each {list.first(_), typefromstring(list.last(_))}), each list.last(_) = type text), each list.first(_))), categoryfieldtypes = list.buffer(list.transform(fieldtypes, (_) => {list.first(_), typefromstring(list.last(_))})) 


let     cfg = (columns list) table => let     filterlist = list.transform(columns, each "[" & _ & "]" <> null"),     expressiontext = text.combine(filterlist, " , "),     source = excel.currentworkbook(){name="fieldmetadata"]}[content],     #"changed type" = table.transformcolumntypes(source, {{"field", type text}, {"type", type text"}, {"grouping", int32.type}, {"presentation"}, int32.type}}),     custom1 = table.selectcolumns(#"changed type", list.combine({{"field"}, columns})),     #"filtered rows" = table.selectrows(custom1, each expression.evaluate(expressiontext, [_=_]))         /* above line bit of mind bender. lets me apply filteres without hard-coding column names. useful.            credit http://www.thebiccountant.com/2016/03/08/select-rows-that-have-no-empty-fields-using-expression-evaluate-in-power-bi-and-power-query/         */ in     #"filtered rows" in     cfg 


let     sorton = (sorton text) list => let     source = importparameters[fieldmetadata],     #"changed type" = table.transformcolumntypes(source, {{"field", type text}, {"grouping", type number}}),     selectedsort = table.selectxolumns(source, {"field", sorton}),     renamedsortcolumn = table.renamecolumns(selectedsort, {{sorton, "sort"}}),     nonulls = table.selectrows(renamedsortcolumn, each ([sort] <> null)),     sortedfields = table.sort(nonulls, {{"sort", order.ascending}})[field] in     sortedfields in     sorton 


let     type = (typename text) type => let     typenamefix = if typename = "table" "_table" else typename, // because table reserved word typr = [any=any.type,         binary=binary.type, // whole list of types find.         ...         _table=table.type,         ...         webmethod=webmethod.type],     thetype = try record.field(typr, typenamefix) otherwise error [reason="typename not found", message="parameter not found among list of types defined within typefromstring function.", in     thetype in     type 


let     source = (table table) table => let     #"filtered rows" = table.selectrows(table, each ([kind] = "table" , ([item] = "report data" or [item] = "report_data"))),     #"select columns" = table.selectcolumns(#"filtered rows", "data"),     datatable = #"select columns"[data]{0} in     datatable in     source 


let     prepparams = (horizonend date, categoryfieldtypes list) function => let     horizonend = horizonend,     categoryfieldtypes = list.buffer(categoryfieldtypes),     source = (inputtable table, filedate date) table => let     endfields = {"as-of date", "period", "actual", "forecast"} list,     periodsasdates = table.transformcolumntypes(inputtable, {{"period", type date}}),     #"remove errors" = table.removerowswitherrors(periodsasdates, {"period"}),     withinhorizon = table.selectrows(#"remove errors", each ([period] <= horizonend)),     renamedval = table.renamecolumns(withinhorizon, {"val", "forecast"}), // forecast named val     movedactual = table.addcolumn(renamedval, "actual", each if [period]=filedate (if [forecast] null 0 else [forecast]) else null),     includesofdate = table.addcolumn(movedactual, "as-of date", each filedate, date.type),     appliedcategoryfieldtypes = table.transformcolumntypes(includeasofdate, categoryfieldtypes),     transformedcolumns = table.transformcolumns(appliedcategoryfieldtypes, {{"{values}", text.trim, type text}, {"actual", number.abs, currency.type}, {"forecast", number.abs, currency.type}}),     sorted = table.sort(transformedcolumns, {{"actual", order.descending}}), // descending order important because table.filldown more efficient table.fillup     outputtable = table.selectcolumns(sorted, list.distinct(list.combine({list.transform(categoryfieldtypes, each list.first(_)), endfields}))),     output = outputtable in     output in     source in     prepparams 


let // import data     source = importparameters[sources],     #"changed type" = table.transformcolumntypes(source, {{"as-of date", type date}, {"folder path", type text}, {"tab", type text}, {"load", type logical}}),     #"filtered rows"= table.selectrows(#"changed type", each ([load] = true)),     workbookpaths = table.addcolumn(#"filtered rows", "file path", each [folder path] & [file], type text),     loadworkbooks = table.addcolumn(workbookpaths, "data", each excel.workbook(file.contents([file path])) meta [#"as-of date" = [#"as-of date"]]),     loaddatatables = table.transformcolumns(loadworkbooks, {"data", each extract_data_table(_) meta [#"as-of date" = value.metadata(_)[#"as-of date"]]}),     prepfunc = prep_data_table(list.max(loaddatatables[#"as-of date"]), importparameters[categoryfieldtypes]),     // transformcolumns step references column's list, not table, as-of date field of column out of scope. use metadata bring as-of date value same scope      prepdatatables = table.transformcolumns(loaddatatables, {"data", each table.buffer(prepfunc(_, value.metadata(_)[#"as-of date"]))}),     output = table.selectcolumns(prepdatatables, {"data", "as-of date"}) in     output 


let     categoryfields = importparameters[categoryfields]     datatablelist = workbooks[data],     categoryindex = table.addindexcolumn(table.distinct(table.combine(list.transform(datatablelist, each table.selectcolumns(_, categoryfields)))), "index"),     listofdatatableswithnestedindextable = list.transform(datatablelist, each table.nestedjoin(_, categoryfields, categoryindex, categoryfields, "index", joinkind.inner)),     listofindexeddatatables = list.transform(listofdatatableswithnestedindextable, each table.transformcolumns(_, {"index", each list.single(table.column(_, "index")) number, type number})),     appended = table.combine(listofindexeddatatables),     merged = table.join(categoryindex, "index", table.selectcolumns(appended, {"as-of date", "actual", "forecast", "index"}), "index"),     partitioned = table.partition(merged, "index", table.rowcount(categoryindex), each _),     copiedactuals = list.transform(partitioned, each table.filldown(_, {"actual"})),     tounpartition = list.transform(copiedactuals, each {list.first(_[index]), table.removecolumns(_, {"index"})}),     unpartitioned = table.frompartitions("index", tounpartition, type number),     output = unpartitioned in     output 

question: qualify closure?

question: matter whether use table.frompartitions or table.combine recombine tables? what's difference?

question: fast data load do? when / not make difference?

question: there performance benefit specifying type of (x table, y list, z number, etc.)?

question: read in documentation let..in syntactic sugar around records. i've begun prefer records because intermediate values available. performance implications?

question: difference between number types? int32.type vs int64.type?

how large large xlsx files? agree idea it's we're opening file once per row. given xlsx archive format , each sheet big file, seeking within file going slow.

especially if total less half ram , if you're running 64-bit office, improve power query performance dramatically calling table.buffer on tables coming xlsx.

alternatively, if somehow convert xlsx data csv source, don't pay price uncrack xlsx files each time. or if load data source sql server column indexes, should speed query. (we "query fold" operations sql server, has more powerful performance heuristics in query engine we've created in power query.) it's possible use power pivot engine instead, i'm not familiar that.


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