python - How do I repeat a for loop while maintaining values from the previous for loop? -

i have written function gradient descent , stuck on figuring out how repeat loop "iters" times. x 2d array , y 2d array. y target value , x data corresponds target value. want iterate through both simultaneously hence zip() in loop, want able repeat iterating through x , y updated coefficients.

i tried wrapping loop in while loop, error saying zip argument #2 must support iteration. i'm assuming happening once loop iterates through 2 ndarrays, compiler cannot "reset" , loop through arrays again. correct , how fix this?

def gradient_descent_lr(x,y,alpha,iters):     x_coef = 0     y_int = 0     coef_list = []      x, y in zip(x,y):         #evaluate func (0 first)         f_eval = (x_coef * x) + y_int         #find error         error = f_eval - y         #update coefficients         y_int = y_int - (alpha*error) #adjust bias coefficient error         x_coef = x_coef - (alpha*error*x)         coef_list.append((float(y_int),float(x_coef)))  return coef_list 


nevermind, figured out problem wasn't in iterations, problem in having variable name being y in both argument , in loop. can close question.

[after edit] x , y 2d arrays. x contains x values , y contains y values. why 2d? why not 1d, both n elements. sure that's correct (the 2d mean)? i'd expect them vectors rather matrices. or arrays matrices contain row or column vectors?

also note used y rather y, prevent confusion, since there's y!

also, apart code problems, don't recognize gradient descent in code, may limited knowledge.

def gradient_descent_lr(x,y,alpha,iters):     x_coef = 0     y_int = 0     coef_list = []      x, y in zip (x.tolist (), y.tolist ()):         #evaluate func (0 first)         f_eval = (x_coef * x) + y_int         #find error         error = f_eval - y         #update coefficients         y_int = y_int - (alpha*error) #adjust bias coefficient error         x_coef = x_coef - (alpha*error*x)         coef_list.append((float(y_int),float(x_coef)))      return coef_list 


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