vb.net - Entity Framework: How to make DataGridView Sortable? -

how make datagridview sort-able when using entity framework pull data database?

i'm putting query datasource of datagridview.

dim query = (from t in db.interview_task t.control = control , t.clientcode = clientcode order t.startdate descending             select t.id, t.control, t.clientcode, t.tasktype, t.title, t.startdate, t.dueusername, status = if(t.completedate nothing, "in progress", "completed")).tolist  dgvtasklist.datasource = query 

the way load data dgv turning .list makes grid unsortable.

the examples i'm seeing on google outdated or complicated. feels should simple. dumping query datatable time isn't on column.

so how put ef query on dgv , make sort-able?


so able work using karen's answer, did following;

public sub load_tasklist()     using db new wotcdb         dim query2 = t in db.interview_task t.control = control , t.clientcode = clientcode order t.startdate descending                      select new tasklist {.id = t.id,                          .control = t.control,                          .clientcode = t.clientcode,                          .tasktype = t.tasktype,                          .title = t.title,                          .startdate = t.startdate,                          .status = if(t.completedate nothing, "in progress", "completed")}         dgvtasklist.datasource = new wotc_common.sortablebindinglist(of tasklist)(query2.tolist)     end using     dgvtasklist.columns("id").visible = false     dgvtasklist.columns("control").visible = false     dgvtasklist.columns("clientcode").visible = false end sub  class tasklist     public property id integer     public property control integer     public property clientcode string     public property tasktype string     public property title string     public property startdate date?     public property dueusername string     public property status string end class 

so question. possible use sorting method without having declare tasklist?

use sortablebindinglist. create , set assign bindingsource , assign bindingsource datagridview. sorry example (and easy follow) in c# in msdn code sample did ef6 in windows forms.

the sortablebindinglist https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsdesktop/generic-sortable-binding-47cac3cc

my code sample, https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/entity-framework-in-764fa5ba

download class in first link, @ code in form1, load event blcustomers set entity customers sortablebindinglist set bscustomers bindingsource , bscustomers becomes datasource datagridview. if need in vb.net can put 1 later, vs2015 on machine updating.

update here data entity using simple select , use class strong type data. bindingsource optional functionality provides. note in button1 cast current property of bindingsource democlass , 2 properties.

public class form1     private bscustomers new bindingsource     private sub form1_load(sender object, e eventargs) handles mybase.load          using entity new demoentities             dim results = entity _                 .customers _                 .select(function(items) new democlass                 {                     .id = items.id,                     .lastname = items.lastname                 }             ).tolist             bscustomers.datasource = new sortablebindinglist(of democlass)(results)             datagridview1.datasource = bscustomers          end using     end sub     private sub button1_click(sender object, e eventargs) handles button1.click         dim lastname string = ctype(bscustomers.current, democlass).lastname         dim identifier integer = ctype(bscustomers.current, democlass).id         messagebox.show($"id: {identifier} lastname: {lastname}")     end sub end class class democlass     public property id integer     public property lastname string end class 

note syntax messagebox content vs2015, lower version use string.format.


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