javascript - How to create a ready to publish to npm angular 2 library -

i specific , divide question points.

1. want achieve in overall:

creating ready published npm angular 2 boilerplate library (latest version)

2. not working:

both tutorials beneath, cited @ stackoverflow earlier not working in many aspects or outdated or not clear. in internet there more confusion information how prepare valid , working angular 2 library.

3. want achieve in specific:

i know steps , summarize here essential creating library in latest angular 2 version scratch. code examples. may serve stackoverflowers future working boilerplate.

what propose write down shortest possible list needs done in points, code examples.

if understand question well, want create component , publish library.

1. create component

you need create foo.component.ts file , html template. you'll prefer inline css (in styles attribute of @component).

!!! don't forget set moduleid: in @component link template component using relative path !!!

2. compile code (once tested it, testing part implicit)

you need compile component using tsc , tsconfig should this:

{   "compileroptions": {     "module": "commonjs",     "moduleresolution": "node",     "target": "es5",     "sourcemap": true,     "inlinesources": false,     "declaration": false,     "experimentaldecorators": true,     "emitdecoratormetadata": true,     "stripinternal": true,     "skiplibcheck": true   },   "files": [     "index.ts",     "typings/index.d.ts"   ] } 

3. publish npm

first of all, create .npmignore file, here example:

.idea  *.ts !*.d.ts  /typings.json /typings/ /node_modules/ /.gitignore /.npmignore /.travis.yml  /test /karma.conf.js /karma-test-shim.js  /rollup.config.js /rollup-min.config.js  /systemjs.config.js  /tsconfig.json /tsconfig-build.json 

if you're not using jetbrains ide, remove .idea entry.

then set publish configuration in package.json:

"publishconfig": {     "registry": "" } 

once ready, can npm publish.


a example of external library angular2 can found here:

or here more up-to-date one, including webpack compatibility:

it's not component, whole publish config, bundling , testing logic done.


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