java - Display inherited methods in NetBeans -

i have interface default methods layers of abstract classes build upon each other , class actual work. see methods in top-most implementation in single view.

i have problem more once , in different projects, i'm looking general solution. hope there option toggle display, willing try plugins this.

having 'navigator' style window lists methods in tree view fine well, can directly click through proper methods.


public interface ifoo {     string getname();     string getversion();     default string getdefaultversion() {         return "1.0.0";     }     default string getdefaultgroup() {         return "de.fuchs.sample";     } }  public abstract class abstractfoo {     protected string getnamewithversion() {         return getname() + " " + getversion();     }     protected string getdefaultversion() {         return "8.8.8";     } }  public class concretefoo {     public string getname() {         return "foo";     }     public string getversion() {         return getdefaultversion();     } } 

now have display this:

public class concretefoo {     public string getname() {         return "foo";     }     public string getversion() {         return getdefaultversion();     }      // inherited abstractfoo:     protected string getnamewithversion() {         return getname() + " " + getversion();     }     protected string getdefaultversion() {         return "8.8.8";     }      // inherited ifoo     string getdefaultgroup() {         return "de.fuchs.sample";     } 


its fine if 'inherited' sections don't display line numbers, etc. , don't need have writing capabilities there.

is there way display?

no solution editor, navigator has option:

in navigator, right click on empty area. select: filters -> show inherited members

alternatively click icon on bottom of screen.

a screenshot netbeans 8.2 ee edition:

netbeans navigator highlighted show inherited icon


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