java - Is it possible to allow Gson to just skip fields with wrong types? -

i have class sdk don't have access change, serialize json-valid string into.

however, external api puts in wrong type date field.

long story short: can ignore errors in gson, or tell gson ignore errors on fields, , partial object?

for example, field should double, date(number) instead. i'm not using anyway, don't care, , don't need whole process fail. want parcable fields out, faulty fields left null.

note: writing deserializer creates object want have created gson defeats purpose propose.

this line of code fails, because single field wrong:

customer customer = gson.fromjson(settings.getcustomerobjectjsonstring(), customer.class); 

i skip field cannot parse, because don't have access customer class, generated sdk/library.

i'm aware of 2 options.

you can use a json deserializer implementation parse json elements on own. following example affect double , double fields whatever dtos passed single gson instance, , such behavior can deseriable. unfortunately, don't know if it's possible use jsondeserializer in "context" way: e.g. let work double , double fields if fields of parent class.

private static final class dto {      private double primitive;     private double nullable;     private string string;  }  private static final class failsafedoublejsondeserializer         implements jsondeserializer<double> {      @override     public double deserialize(final jsonelement element, final type type, final jsondeserializationcontext context)             throws jsonparseexception {         if ( !element.isjsonprimitive() ) {             return null;         }         try {             final jsonprimitive primitive = (jsonprimitive) element;             final number number = primitive.getasnumber();             return number.doublevalue();         } catch ( final numberformatexception ignored ) {             return null;         }     }  }  private static final jsondeserializer<double> failsafedoublejsondeserializer = new failsafedoublejsondeserializer();  private static final gson gson = new gsonbuilder()         .registertypeadapter(double.class, failsafedoublejsondeserializer)         .registertypeadapter(double.class, failsafedoublejsondeserializer)         .create();  public static void main(final string... args) {     dump(gson.fromjson("{\"primitive\": 23, \"nullable\": 42, \"string\": \"foo bar\"}", dto.class));     dump(gson.fromjson("{\"primitive\": \"whatever\", \"nullable\": \"whatever\", \"string\": \"foo bar\"}", dto.class)); }  private static void dump(final dto dto) {     out.println(dto.primitive + " " + dto.nullable + " " + dto.string); } 

another more low level option can a type adapter implementation. 1 advantage of 1 on previous example can annotate failing fields @jsonadapter annotation in dto classes known potentially broken.

private static final class dto {      @jsonadapter(failsafedoubletypeadapter.class)     private double primitive;      @jsonadapter(failsafedoubletypeadapter.class)     private double nullable;      private string string;  }  private static final class failsafedoubletypeadapter         extends typeadapter<double> {      @override     public void write(final jsonwriter writer, final double value) {         throw new unsupportedoperationexception();     }      @override     public double read(final jsonreader reader)             throws ioexception {         final jsontoken peek = reader.peek();         if ( peek != number ) {             reader.skipvalue();             return null;         }         return reader.nextdouble();     }  }  private static final gson gson = new gson();  public static void main(final string... args) {     dump(gson.fromjson("{\"primitive\": 23, \"nullable\": 42, \"string\": \"foo bar\"}", dto.class));     dump(gson.fromjson("{\"primitive\": \"whatever\", \"nullable\": {\"subvalue\": \"whatever\"}, \"string\": \"foo bar\"}", dto.class)); }  private static void dump(final dto dto) {     out.println(dto.primitive + " " + dto.nullable + " " + dto.string); } 

thus, both examples generate following output:

23.0 42.0 foo bar

0.0 null foo bar


  • {"primitive": 23, "nullable": 42, "string": "foo bar"}
  • and {"primitive": "whatever", "nullable": {"subvalue": "whatever"}, "string": "foo bar"}

payloads respectively.


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