Store data from struct in lists of variable size in C -

i want use mpi in project. in order send data processor, first have store particle data in list.

five lists of different size

these lists can have variable size. want save data of struct:

typedef struct {         double    x[dim];         double    v[dim];         double    a[dim];         double    m; } particle; 

into list 'plist'. additionally want save size of list in plistsize:

typedef struct{     double **plist;     int plistsize; } particlelist; 

i still newbie in c task somehow difficult me.

so far did following:

#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h>  #define dim 2  typedef struct{     double **plist;     int plistsize; } particlelist;  typedef struct {         double                x[dim];         double                v[dim];         double                a[dim];         double                 m; } particle;  void sendpar(int *n, int npr, particle *p){      // allocate memory particlelist     particlelist *pl = malloc(sizeof(pl)*npr);      // allocate memory plistsize -> not work     //for(int k=0; k<npr; k++){     //    pl->plistsize[k] = malloc(sizeof(int*));     //}      // allocate memory every list     for(int k=0; k<npr; k++){         pl->plist[k] = malloc(sizeof(double*) * n[k]);     }      // write data list.     for(int k=0; k<npr; k++){         for(int l=0; l<n[k]; l++){             int = 0;             for(int d=0; d<dim; d++){                 pl->plist[k][i] = p[k].x[d];                 i++;             }             for(int d=0; d<dim; d++){                 pl->plist[k][i] = p[k].v[d];                 i++;             }             for(int d=0; d<dim; d++){                 pl->plist[k][i] = p[k].a[d];                 i++;             }             pl->plist[k][i] = p[k].m;         }    // pl->plistsize[k] = n[k];     }      // free memory     free(pl); }  int main(){     // number of processors     int npr = 3;      // number of particles     int np = 3;      // allocate memory particles     particle *p = malloc(sizeof(p)*np);     for(int k=0; k<np; k++){         for(int d=0; d<dim; d++){             p[k].x[d] = 1000*k+100*d;             p[k].v[d] = 10000*k+1000*d;             p[k].a[d] = 10*k+d;         }         p[k].m = 100000+k;     }      // size of lists, in case every list has same length     int n[npr];     n[0] = 10;     n[1] = 10;     n[2] = 10;      sendpar(n, npr, p);      // free memory     free(p); } 

i seg fault error. did wrong here:

// allocate memory particlelist particlelist *pl = malloc(sizeof(pl)*npr);  // allocate memory every list for(int k=0; k<npr; k++){     pl->plist[k] = malloc(sizeof(double*) * n[k]); } 

additionally not able allocate memory plistsize. error warning: assignment makes integer pointer without cast. see why?


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