c# - It shows more items in array than expected -

it shows more times expected , when add 1 item , stackable adds stack....but not once 2 times.

using microsoft.xna.framework; using microsoft.xna.framework.graphics; using microsoft.xna.framework.input; using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.text;  namespace arenarpg {     public class inventory     {          int slotwight;         int slotheight;         int itemsperpage = 1;         int currentpage;         int columns, rows;          b_item[,] items;          backpack backpack;         vector2 pos;          public inventory(backpack bpack,int itemsperpage,int columns,int rows,  int slotwidth, int slotheight, vector2 pos)         {             this.backpack = bpack;             this.slotheight = slotheight;             this.slotwight = slotwidth;             this.pos = pos;             this.columns = columns;             this.itemsperpage = itemsperpage;             this.rows = rows;            items = new b_item[columns, rows];             loaditems(bpack);                         }          public void update(gametime gametime)         {             double maxpages = math.ceiling((double)(items.length - 1) / itemsperpage);              if (input.keypressed(keys.a))             {                 currentpage++;             }              if (input.keypressed(keys.d))             {                 currentpage--;             }              input.update(gametime);         }          public void draw(spritebatch spritebatch)         {             var result = items.cast<b_item>().skip(itemsperpage * (currentpage-1)).take(itemsperpage);             foreach (var item in result)             {                 (int x = 0; x < columns; x++)                 {                     (int y = 0; y < rows; y++)                     {                         int drawx = (int)pos.x + (x * (slotwight + 2));                         int drawy = (int)pos.y + (y * (slotwight + 2));                          if(items[x,y] != null)                         {                             spritebatch.draw(item.texure, new rectangle(drawx, drawy ,32, 32), new rectangle(0, 0, 64, 64), color.white);                             if (items[x,y].stacksize > 1)                             { 

spritebatch.drawstring(assetmanager.getinstance().font["arial8"], items[x,y].stacksize.tostring(), new vector2(drawx+ 20, drawy+20), color.darkblue); } spritebatch.drawstring(assetmanager.getinstance().font["arial8"], currentpage.tostring(), new vector2(50, 50), color.darkblue); }

                    }                 }             }         }          public void loaditems(backpack bpack)         {             int itemindex = 0;              (int x = 0; x < columns; x++)             {                 (int y = 0; y < rows; y++)                 {                     if (itemindex < bpack.items.count)                     {                         items[x, y] = bpack.items[itemindex];                         itemindex++;                     }                 }             }         }     } } 

backpack simple

public void additems(b_item newitem) {     if (items.count < maxslots)     {         foreach (var in items.toarray())         {             if (i.item_name == newitem.item_name )             {                 if (i.is_stackable == true && i.stacksize < 500)                 {                     i.stacksize += 1;                 }             }             else             {                 items.add(newitem);             }         }      }     else     {         items.add(newitem);     }                    }  private void remove(b_item itemid) {      (int = 0; < items.count; i++)     {         if (items.count > 0)         {             items[i].stacksize -= 1;         }              items.removeat(i);     } } 

why draw more items specified value itemsperpage in inventory. constructor

inventory thiss = new inventory(new playerback(),2,1,32,32, 32, new vector2(0, 0)) 

ok, sorry comment it's abit wrong. here correct method:

public void additems(b_item newitem)         {             if (items.count < maxslots)             {                 foreach (var in items.toarray())                 {                     if (i.item_name == newitem.item_name )                     {                         if (i.is_stackable == true && i.stacksize < 500)                         {                             i.stacksize += 1;                             return;                         }                     }                  }              }             items.add(newitem);          } 


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