ios - Cannot invoke call from SDWebImage -

i have read couple similar questions, none of them working me. well, trying show different images on list , save images in cache. getting error on call.

import uikit import sdwebimage  class tableviewcell: uitableviewcell {  var item: itemrealm? {     didset {         if item == nil {             iconview.image = nil             itemtitlelabel.text = "test"             itemdesclabel.text = "some description"         } else {             // todo: implement item sets             iconview.sd_setimage(with: nsurl(string: (item?.icon)!),                                  placeholderimage: uiimage(named: "placeholder.png"),                                   completed: { (image: uiimage!, error: nserror!, cachetype: sdimagecachetype, imageurl: nsurl!) in                                              })             itemtitlelabel.text = item?.name             itemdesclabel.text = item?.desc          }     } }  @iboutlet weak var iconview: uiimageview! @iboutlet weak var itemtitlelabel: uilabel! @iboutlet weak var itemdesclabel: uilabel!  override func awakefromnib() {     super.awakefromnib()     iconview.layer.cornerradius = 4 }  override func prepareforreuse() {     super.prepareforreuse()     self.item = nil }  } 

error : tableviewcell.swift:22:26: cannot invoke 'sd_setimagewithurl' argument list of type '(nsurl?, placeholderimage: uiimage?, completed: (uiimage!, nserror!, sdimagecachetype, nsurl!) -> ())'

icons list(log):

 ; icon: optional("")  ; icon: optional("")... 

the problem may because of use of old ns-types, got replaced in swift3 , getting mapped new datatypes swift3 automatically now.

iconview.sd_setimage(with: url(string: item!.icon),          placeholderimage: uiimage(named: "placeholder.png"),                   options: .highpriority) { image, error, cachetype, imageurl in } 


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