javascript - simpleCart.js send form input and cart item to EMAIL using PHP script. - cannot sent form input -

the cart items sent email not input form.

here code:


 <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <meta content="text/html;charset=utf-8" http-equiv="content-type"> <meta content="utf-8" http-equiv="encoding"> <title>atelier k - trimite comanda</title> <link rel="icon" href="images/iconak.ico"/>  <!-- bootstrap --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap.css"> <script src="js/simplecart.js"></script>  <script src="js/simplecart.min.js"></script>  <script src="js/qunit.js"></script>   <script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="js/bootstrap.js"></script>      <script>      simplecart({  cartcolumns: [ //{ attr: "image", label: false, view: "imagine"},  { attr: "name" , label: "produs" },  { attr: "quantity", label: "cantitate", view: "input"},           { view:'remove', text: "x", label: "sterge"},          //price of item         //{ attr: "price", label: "pret", view: "currency"},         //subtotal of row (quantity of item * price)         { attr: "total" , label: "sub toalt", view: "currency"  }     ],     cartstyle: "table" ,     checkout: {     type: "sendform" ,     url: "/contact/comandascript.php" ,     method: "post" ,     success: "/contact/comanda_trimisa.php" ,     cancel: "/contact/comanda_netrimisa.php" ,     extra_data: {      prenume : document.getelementbyid("firstname").value, nume : document.getelementbyid("lastname").value,             address : document.getelementbyid("address").value,         email : document.getelementbyid("email").value,         telefon : document.getelementbyid("phone").value,         mesaj : document.getelementbyid("comments").value,  }  } });  simplecart.bind( 'beforecheckout' , function( data ){ data.first_name = document.getelementbyid("firstname").value; data.last_name = document.getelementbyid("lastname").value; data.address = document.getelementbyid("address").value; = document.getelementbyid("email").value; = document.getelementbyid("phone").value; data.comments = document.getelementbyid("comments").value; });     </script> </head> <body> <section> <div class="container">     <!-- form --> <form name="myform" id="myform" method="post" action="/contact/comandascript.php">         <fieldset>          <h4 style="color: #4682b4"> persoana de contact</h4>             <p>&nbsp;</p>            <table>  <tr>         <th> <p>   <label for="firstname">prenume:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </label>    </th>           <th><input type="text" name="firstname" placeholder="" title="introduceti prenumele" class="required" id="firstname" size="50px" onblur='isempty(this.value)' ><font size="1" color="red"> <span id="msg"></span></font></p></th> </tr>     <tr>         <th> <p>   <label for="lastname">nume:&nbsp; </label>    </th>           <th><input type="text" name="lastname" placeholder="" title="introduceti numele de familie" class="required" id="lastname" size="50px" onblur='isempty1(this.value)' > <font size="1" color="red"><span id="msg1"></span></font></p></th>     </tr>        </table>     <hr>     <h4 style="color: #4682b4">date de livrare</h4>         <p>&nbsp;</p>     <table>          <tr>     <th>    <p>   <label for="address">adresa de livrare:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </label> </th>       <th>     <input type="text"  name="address" placeholder="" title="introduceti adresa de livrare" class="required" id="address" size="50px" onblur='isempty2(this.value)' ><font size="1" color="red"><span id="msg2"></span></font></p> </th>            </tr>             <tr>      <th>   <p>   <label for="email">email:&nbsp; </label> </th>       <th>     <input type="email" name="email" placeholder="" title="introduceti o adresa de email corecta" class="required email" id="email" size="50px" onblur='isempty3(this.value)'><font size="1" color="red"><span id="msg3"></span></font></p> </th>            </tr>             <tr>      <th>   <p>   <label for="phone">telefon:&nbsp; </label> </th>       <th>    <input type="tel" name="phone" placeholder="" id="phone" size="50px" title="introduceti numarul dvs. de telefon." onblur='isempty4(this.value)' onkeypress='return isnumberkey(event)'><font size="1" color="red"><span id="msg4"></span></font></p> </th>           </tr>            </table>         <hr>         <h4 style="color: #4682b4"> informatii suplimentare</h4>             <p>&nbsp;</p>         <table>          <tr>       <th>  <p>   <label for="message">mesaj:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </label> </th>        <th> <input type="text" title="completati aici daca doriti sa ne transmiteti info extra" name="message" placeholder="completati aici daca doriti sa ne transmiteti info. extra." id="message" size="75px"></p></th>    </tr>    </table>     <hr>         </fieldset>      <a href="javascript:;"  id="submit" name="submit" value="submit" class="simplecart_checkout" ><span class="checkout_btn"> trimite comanda</span></a>          </form>         </div> <!-- /end #contact-form -->         </div> </section> <hr> </body> </html> 

php code

<?php $content = $_post; /* receiving simplecart order array */ $body = ''; /* declaring email body */  $firstname = ''; /* field variable */ $lastname = ''; /* field variable */ $email = ''; /* field variable */ $address = ''; $phone = ''; /* field variable */ $comments = ''; /* field variable */  $body .= '=================================='."\n"; $body .= "prenume: ".$content[$firstname]."\n"; /* using field variable */ $body .= "nume de familie: ".$content[$lastname]."\n"; /* using field variable */ $body .= "adresa: ".$content[$address]."\n"; /* using field variable */ $body .= "email: ".$content[$email]."\n"; /* using field variable */ $body .= "numar de telefon: ".$content[$phone]."\n"; /* using field variable */ $body .= 'has placed following order:'."\n"; $body .= "\n"; $body .= '=================================='."\n"; /* starting loop orders stored array */ for($i=1; $i < $content['itemcount'] + 1; $i++) { $name = 'item_name_'.$i; /* product name variable */ $quantity = 'item_quantity_'.$i; /* product quantity variable */ $price = 'item_price_'.$i; /* product price variable */ $total = $content[$quantity]*$content[$price]; /* product total price variable (price*quantity) */ $grandtotal += $total; /* accumulating total of items */ $body .= 'comanda#'.$i.': '.$content[$name]."\n".'cantitate '.$content[$quantity].' --- pret per bucata $'.number_format($content[$price], 2, '.', '')."\n".'sub-total $'.number_format($total, 2, '.', '')."\n"; /* creating semantic format each ordered product */ $body .= '=================================='."\n"; } /* ending loop orders stored array */ $body .= 'total: $'.number_format($grandtotal, 2, '.', '')."\n"; /* total amount of order */ $body .= '=================================='."\n"; $body .= "\n"; $body .= "mesaj(optional): ".$content[$comments]."\n"; /* using field variable */     $headers    = "content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n";     $headers    .= "from: $firstname $lastname  <$email>\n";     $recipient  = "";     $subject    = "comanda noua pentru k"; mail($recipient, $subject, $body, $headers); /* building mail() function */ header("location: /contact/comanda_trimisa.php"); /* declaring page redirect if mail sent */ ?> 

i tried different examples found sendform simplecart.js dos not work. if take out class="simplecart_checkout" submit link don't cart items . if turn in input tag type="submit" no class, form input. how can both using same php script send emails?

i found someplace else, in case interested in solution here is:

from html code posted above remove part:

extra_data: {      prenume : document.getelementbyid("firstname").value, nume : document.getelementbyid("lastname").value,             address : document.getelementbyid("address").value,         email : document.getelementbyid("email").value,         telefon : document.getelementbyid("phone").value,         mesaj : document.getelementbyid("comments").value,  } 

also in php script change this

$headers    .= "from: $firstname $lastname  <$email>\n"; 

to this:

$headers    .= "from: ".$content[$firstname]." ".$content[$lastname]."  <".$content[$email].">\n"; 

now works correctly.


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