sql - QtSQL with MS Access : UPDATE/DELETE queries not updating data -
i'm facing issue using qtsql along ms access database, using qobdc driver.
select , insert statement work, , read/insert data properly.
update/delete statements correctly processed (according qsqlquery , obdc tracer), in ms access, data not edited.
i'm using '?' bindings request, replacing these bindings hardcoded data didn't work either.
the obdc tracer sees update request, 2 bindings.
is there reason why these update statements not modify ms access' data ?
db = qsqldatabase::adddatabase("qodbc"); db.setdatabasename(qstring("driver={microsoft access driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};dsn='';dbq=") + file);
delete function
bool msaccessreader::deleterecord(qstring table, qstring where) { qstring req; req = qstring("delete ") + table + qstring(" ") + where; qsqlquery query; bool ok = query.exec(req); return ok; }
update function
bool msaccessreader::update(qlist<qstring> headers, qlist<qvariant> data, qstring where, qstring table) { if(headers.isempty() || data.isempty()) { qdebug() << "headers or data empty"; return false; } else if(headers.size() != data.size()) { qdebug() << "number of headers , data fields mismatches"; return false; } else if(table.isempty()) { qdebug() << "table isn't specified"; return false; } else if(where.isempty()) { qdebug() << "where isn't specified"; return false; } qsqlquery query; qstring req; req = qstring("update ") + table + qstring(" set "); foreach(qstring header, headers) { req = req + header + "=?,"; } req = req.left(req.size()-1); /*where*/ req = req + qstring(" ") + + qstring(";"); query.prepare(req); foreach(qvariant var,data) { query.addbindvalue(var); } qdebug() << query.lastquery() << query.boundvalues(); bool ok = query.exec(); return ok; }
request string , data
"update table1 set nom=?,prenom=? id=1;" qmap((":a", qvariant(qstring, "jean"))(":bb", qvariant(qstring, "marc")))
data table
found problem.
i needed exectue transaction() , commit() around query :
db.transaction(); bool ok = query.exec(); db.commit();
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