mvc - jquery datatable with custom object parameter -

i working mvc , jquery data table. want pass own parameter class along jquery datatable param. here code have used, not working,


var options = {}; options.bprocessing = true; options.bserverside = true; options.sajaxsource = urlcontent + 'employee/getall'; options.bpaginate = true; options.spaginationtype = "full_numbers"; options.idisplaylength = 10; options.bautowidth = true; options.aocolumns = cols; options.fnserverdata = function (ssource, aodata, fncallback) {     $.ajax( {         "datatype": 'json',         "type": "get",         "url": ssource,         "data": aodata,         "success": function (data) {  },         "failure": function (data) {  }     } ); };  options.fnserverparams = function (aodata) {      aodata.push({ "name": "employeemodel", "value": { name : "testing", age:25} });    };      var table = $('#' + tableid).datatable(options); 

and mu controller is,

 public jsonresult getreportdata(jquerydatatableparamviewmodel param, employeeviewmodel employeemodel) {    return new list<employee>();  //// loads database } 

the employeemodel null. did wrong. please me.

i have not done using constructor takes options parameter, used other way, here code :

$('#assets-data-table').datatable({                     "serverside": true,                     "processing": true,                     "ajax": {                         "url": "@url.action("get","asset")",                         "data": function (data) {                              data.facilitysite = $("#facilitysite").val();                             data.building = $("#building").val();                             data.manufacturer = $("#manufacturer").val();                             data.status = $("#status").val();                         }                     },                     "columns": [                         { "title": "bar code", "data": "barcode", "searchable": true },                         { "title": "manufacturer", "data": "manufacturer", "searchable": true },                         { "title": "model", "data": "modelnumber", "searchable": true },                         { "title": "building", "data": "building", "searchable": true },                         { "title": "room no", "data": "roomno" },                         { "title": "quantity", "data": "quantity" },                         {                             "title": "actions",                             "data": "assetid",                             "searchable": false,                             "sortable": false,                             "render": function (data, type, full, meta) {                                 return '<a href="@url.action("edit","asset")?id=' + data + '" class="editasset">edit</a> | <a href="@url.action("details","asset")?id=' + data + '">details</a> | <a href="@url.action("delete","asset")?id=' + data + '">delete</a>';                             }                         }                     ],                     "lengthmenu": [[10, 25, 50, 100], [10, 25, 50, 100]],                     initcomplete: function () {                         var input = $('.datatables_filter input').unbind(),                             self = this.api(),                             $searchbutton = $('<button>')                                        .text('search')                                        .addclass("btn btn-default")                                        .css("margin-left", "10px")                                        .click(function () {                                  ;                                        })                          $('.datatables_filter').append($searchbutton);                     },                     "createdrow": function (row, data, index) {                         if (data["building"] == null)                             return;                         switch (data["building"].tolowercase()) {                             case 'west':                                 $('td:not(:last-child)', row).css({                                     'background': 'red',                                     'color': 'white'                                 });                                 break;                         }                     }                 }); 

we specifying custom paramets in ajax call :

 "data": function (data) {                              data.facilitysite = $("#facilitysite").val();                             data.building = $("#building").val();                             data.manufacturer = $("#manufacturer").val();                             data.status = $("#status").val();                         } 

action looks like:

 public actionresult get([modelbinder(typeof(datatablesbinder))] idatatablesrequest requestmodel, advancedsearchviewmodel searchviewmodel)  {    }  


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