dropzone.js - Uploading larger file size using Dropzonejs -

i trying use dropzonejs upload music , video files, when tried image files worked fine, upload successful, on trying video , music files gives error: “warning post content of ------- bytes exceeds limit of --------.” have set configuration dropzone seems not solve problem. because i’m working laravel, edited php_ini file of xampp, increase max_file_size , other parameters, did not solve problem either, since i’m running laravel-5.3, it’s evident might have own internal server because wether i’m running xampp or not once start laravel server runs or without starting apache on xampp. do? appreciate.

    <div class="row">             <div class="col-md-12">                 <form action="{{ url('/songs/do-upload') }}" class="dropzone" id="addsongs">{{csrf_field()}}                 <input type="hidden" name="albums_id" value=" {{$albums->id}} ">                 </form>             </div>         </div>  <script type="text/javascript">         dropzone.options.addsongs = {                paramname: 'file',               clickable: true,               enqueueforupload: true,               autoprocessqueue: true,               uploadmultiple: true,               paralleluploads: 5,               maxfiles: 1,               maxfilesize: 250,               addremovelinks: true,               dictdefaultmessage: 'drag images here',               init: function() {                    console.log('init');                    this.on("maxfilesexceeded", function(file){                         alert("no more files please!");                         this.removefile(file);                     });              }         };     </script> 

controller used in uploading:

public function doimageupload(request $request){          $file = $request->file('file');         $filename = uniqid() .$file->getclientoriginalname();         $file->move('album/songs', $filename);          $albums = albums::findorfail($request->input('albums_id'));          $album = $albums->songs()->create([             'user_id' => auth::user()->id,             'albums_id' => $request->input('albums_id'),             'file_name' => $filename,             'file_size' => $file->getclientsize(),             'file_mime' => $file->getclientmimetype(),             'file_path' => 'album/songs' .$filename         ]);      } 

error message on console:

1:107 uncaught referenceerror: dropzone not defined http://localhost:8000/songs/do-upload failed load resource: server responded status of 500 (internal server error) jquery-1.9.0.js:1'//@ sourceurl' , '//@ sourcemappingurl' deprecated, please use '//# sourceurl=' , '//# sourcemappingurl=' instead. 

thanks, everyone. simple mistake didn't restart laravel server. appreciate.


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