angular - Angular2-router: How to only change a parameter of a route? -

i want have following routes in application:

export const routes: routes = [     {         path: ':universityid',         component: universitycomponent,        children: [            { path: 'info', component: universityinfocomponent },            { path: 'courses/:status', component: coursesbystatuscomponent }        ]     } ] 

being on /1/info or /1/courses/open url, how change :universityid universitycomponent?

simple router.navigate(['../', 2], {relativeto: currentroute }) won't because redirects /2, losing other information. using '../2/courses/open not option - can on child route @ moment. best come is:

const urltree = this.router.parseurl(this.router.url); urltree.root.children['primary'].segments[0].path = '2'; this.router.navigatebyurl(urltree); 

but it's kind of ugly

here code go along comment above using tuples: replicate pattern twice... shows how integrate these classes project. so:

  1. change data-component-resolver.ts parent-child-resolver.ts code in link.
  2. replace data-component.ts in link parent-child.component.ts below


import {injectable} '@angular/core'; import {observable} 'rxjs'; import {resolve, activatedroutesnapshot, routerstatesnapshot} '@angular/router'; import {parent} '../shared/model/parent'; import {children} '../shared/model/children'; import {parentservice} '../providers/parent.service';  @injectable() export class parentchildresolver implements resolve<[parent,(children[])>    constructor(private parentservice : parentservice) {}    resolve(  route: activatedroutesnapshot,             state: routerstatesnapshot          ) : observable<[parent,(children[])>    {       return this.parentservice.findparentbyid(route.params['id'])         .switchmap(parent =>              this.parentservice.findchildrenforparent(,               (parent, children) => [parent, children]          );   } } 


import {component, oninit} '@angular/core'; import {parent} '../shared/model/parent'; import {children} '../shared/model/children'; import {observable} 'rxjs'; import {activatedroute} '@angular/router';  @component({     selector: 'parent-child',     templateurl: './parent-child.component.html' })  export class parentchildcomponent implements oninit{   $parent: observable<parent>;   $children: observable<children[]>;    constructor(private route:activatedroute) {}    ngoninit() {     this.parent$ = => data['key'][0]); //from router.config.ts     this.children$ = => data['key'][1]);   } } 


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