java - Java8 using enum values in interface's default methods -

i'm exploring possibilities of static , default methods introduced in java 8.

i've interface has 2 default methods construct command, run on server through ssh simple tasks remotely. moving mouse requires 2 arguments: x , y position of mouse.

public interface robot {      default string movemouse(int x, int y) {         return constructcmd("java -jar move_mouse.jar " + x + " " + y);     }      default string clickleft() {         return  constructcmd("java -jar click_left.jar");     }      static string constructcmd(string cmd) {         return "export display=:1.0\n" +                 "cd desktop\n" +                 cmd;     } }  

i've multiple enums values preset, potently combine enums 1 , not use interface ever, enum contain hundreds or thousands of values , want keep organised, i've split evertying in multiple enums.

i want enums share same methods figured i'll give default methods in interface shot.

public enum field implements robot {      age_field(778, 232),      name_field(662, 280);      public int x;     public int y;      field(int x, int y) {         this.x = x;         this.y = y;     } } 

so can string commands by:

field.age_field.clickleft(); field.age_field.movemouse(field.age_field.x, field.age_field.y); 

however movemouse looks bad me , think should somehow possible use enum's values default.

anyone has a nice solution such problem?

the problem architecture. on 1 hand, have layer executes mouse-movement (represented robot interface). now, need layer produces mouse-movement , sends robot execute mouse-movement. let's call interface defining layer mousetarget (fits example nicely):

public interface mousetarget {     public int gettargetx();     public int gettargety();      public default void movemousehere(robot robot) {         robot.movemouse(this.gettargetx(), this.gettargety());     } } 

this interface represents 1 mouse-movement 1 target. see movemousehere(robot robot) method expects robot send movement (which actual work). now, left adapt fields enum:

public enum fields implements mousetarget {      age_field(778, 232), name_field(662, 280);      public int targetx;     public int targety;      fields(int targetx, int targety) {         this.targetx = targetx;         this.targety = targety;     }      @override     public int gettargetx() {         return (this.targetx);     }      @override     public int gettargety() {         return (this.targety);     } } 


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