- How gcTrimCommitOnLowMemory actually works? -

documentation gctrimcommitonlowmemory says:

because garbage collector retains memory future allocations, committed space can more strictly needed. can reduce space accommodate times when there heavy load on system memory. reducing committed space improves performance , expands capacity host more sites.

when gctrimcommitonlowmemory setting enabled, garbage collector evaluates system memory load , enters trimming mode when load reaches 90%. maintains trimming mode until load drops under 85%.

when disable both gcserver , gcconcurrent. each web site (worker process) eats between 100 , 500 mb. when concurrent server gc enabled, web sites eats between 1500 , 2500 mb. since there more 100 such web sites memory load gets on 200 gb (physical memory full).

i thought enabling gctrimcommitonlowmemory (while both gcserver , gcconcurrent enabled) causes web sites return unused memory gen 0 heap size when server reaches 90 % memory load. however, seems not return (the server has 99 % memory load).

how gctrimcommitonlowmemory works? following statement means?

when conditions permit, garbage collector can decide gctrimcommitonlowmemory setting not current application , ignore it.


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