web - Upload image from devide to FTP using android app -

hey have code let user pick image gallery , after chooses image shown in image view, when user click button should upload image ftp server , reason app tells me location of file giving not found.

here ftp upload code (i execute using asynctask)

    public uploadimage(string host,int port,string username,string password,string imagepath) {       this.host = host;     this.port = port;     this.username = username;     this.password = password;     this.imagepath = imagepath;  }      public  void uploadingfilestoftp() throws ioexception {     ftpclient con = null;      try     {         con = new ftpclient();         con.connect(host);          if (con.login(username, password))         {             con.enterlocalpassivemode(); // important!             con.setfiletype(ftp.binary_file_type);             uri uri = uri.parse(this.imagepath);             string data = uri.getpath();              fileinputstream in = new fileinputstream(new file(data));             boolean result = con.storefile("/img.png", in);             in.close();             if (result) log.v("upload result", "succeeded");             con.logout();             con.disconnect();         }     }     catch (exception e)     {         e.printstacktrace();     }   } 

and loading file imageview

   loadedimage = (imageview)findviewbyid(r.id.upload_image1);     drawable drawable = loadedimage.getdrawable();     if(drawable.getconstantstate().equals(getresources().getdrawable(r.drawable.camera_icon).getconstantstate())) {         intent intent = new intent();         intent.settype("image/*");         intent.setaction(intent.action_get_content);         startactivityforresult(intent.createchooser(intent, "selectpicture"), select_picture);     }   public void onactivityresult(int requestcode, int resultcode, intent data) {     if (resultcode == result_ok) {         if (requestcode == select_picture) {                selectedimageuri = data.getdata();             loadedimage = (imageview)findviewbyid(r.id.upload_image1);             loadedimage.setscaletype(imageview.scaletype.center_crop);             glide.with(this).load(selectedimageuri)                     .into((imageview) findviewbyid(r.id.upload_image1));              imageview m =(imageview)findviewbyid(r.id.remove_image);             m.setfocusable(true);             m.setvisibility(view.visible);         }      } } 

the imagepath string image uri converted string. can me , tell me why isn't finding file?

ask user pick image , use image imageview.. path consist of actual image path can upload it..

@override     protected void onactivityresult(int requestcode, int resultcode, intent data) {         super.onactivityresult(requestcode, resultcode, data);          if (requestcode == pick_image_request && resultcode == result_ok && data != null && data.getdata() != null) {             uri = data.getdata();             if (uri != null)             {                 path = uri.tostring();                 if (path.tolowercase().startswith("file://"))                 {                     // selected file/directory path below                     path = (new file(uri.create(path))).getabsolutepath();                 }                 else{                     path =  getrealpathfromuri(getapplicationcontext(),uri);                 }              }             try {                 bitmap = mediastore.images.media.getbitmap(getcontentresolver(), uri);                 profileimg.setimagebitmap(bitmap);              } catch (ioexception e) {                 e.printstacktrace();             }         }     }        public static string getrealpathfromuri(context context, uri contenturi) {         cursor cursor = null;         try {             string[] proj = { mediastore.images.media.data };             cursor = context.getcontentresolver().query(contenturi, proj, null, null, null);             int column_index = cursor.getcolumnindexorthrow(mediastore.images.media.data);             cursor.movetofirst();             return cursor.getstring(column_index);         } {             if (cursor != null) {                 cursor.close();             }         }     } 

hope giving permission also


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