android - Change undeline color of Textview -

i have 7 textview 1 selectable @ time,selected textview should contain underline,i want change underline color(not textview color).

i using following code underline textview,

addunderlinetotext.setpaintflags(addunderlinetotext.getpaintflags() | paint.underline_text_flag); 

i using following line remove under line.

if ((removeunderline[i].getpaintflags() & paint.underline_text_flag) > 0) {                  textview[i].setpaintflags(textview[i].getpaintflags()                         & (~paint.underline_text_flag));  } 

first defined custom attributes easy customization in xml layout files

<declare-styleable name="underlinedtextview" > <attr name="underlinewidth" format="dimension" /> <attr name="underlinecolor" format="color" /> 

and custom textview class

public class underlinedtextview extends textview {  private rect lineboundsrect; private paint underlinepaint;  public underlinedtextview(context context) {     this(context, null, 0); }  public underlinedtextview(context context, attributeset attrs) {     this(context, attrs, 0); }  public underlinedtextview(context context, attributeset attrs, int defstyleattr) {     super(context, attrs, defstyleattr);     init(context, attrs, defstyleattr); }  private void init(context context, attributeset attributeset, int defstyle) {      float density = context.getresources().getdisplaymetrics().density;      typedarray typedarray = context.obtainstyledattributes(attributeset, r.styleable.underlinedtextview, defstyle, 0);     int mcolor = typedarray.getcolor(r.styleable.underlinedtextview_underlinecolor, 0xffff0000);     float mstrokewidth = typedarray.getdimension(r.styleable.underlinedtextview_underlinewidth, density * 2);     typedarray.recycle();      lineboundsrect = new rect();     underlinepaint = new paint();     underlinepaint.setstyle(;     underlinepaint.setcolor(mcolor); //color of underline     underlinepaint.setstrokewidth(mstrokewidth); }  @colorint public int getunderlinecolor() {     return underlinepaint.getcolor(); }  public void setunderlinecolor(@colorint int mcolor) {     underlinepaint.setcolor(mcolor);     invalidate(); }  public float getunderlinewidth() {    underlinepaint.getstrokewidth() }  public void setunderlinewidth(float mstrokewidth) {     underlinepaint.setstrokewidth(mstrokewidth);     invalidate(); }  @override protected void ondraw(canvas canvas) {      int count = getlinecount();      final layout layout = getlayout();     float x_start, x_stop, x_diff;     int firstcharinline, lastcharinline;      (int = 0; < count; i++) {         int baseline = getlinebounds(i, lineboundsrect);         firstcharinline = layout.getlinestart(i);         lastcharinline = layout.getlineend(i);          x_start = layout.getprimaryhorizontal(firstcharinline);         x_diff = layout.getprimaryhorizontal(firstcharinline + 1) - x_start;         x_stop = layout.getprimaryhorizontal(lastcharinline - 1) + x_diff;          canvas.drawline(x_start, baseline + mstrokewidth, x_stop, baseline + mstrokewidth, underlinepaint);     }      super.ondraw(canvas);  } } 

then it's usage simple

<some.package.underlinedtextview android:id="@+id/tvtest" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_alignparentbottom="true" android:layout_marginbottom="10dp" android:layout_marginleft="20dp" android:layout_marginright="20dp" android:gravity="center" android:text="this demo text" android:textsize="16sp" app:underlinecolor="#ffc112ef" app:underlinewidth="3dp"/> 


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