javascript - Refreshing multiple partials with polling in Rails -

let's have list of statuses might this:

ul#list   - @list_items.each |item|     li.loading item #{} - status: #{item.status}     li item #{} - status: #{item.status}     li item #{} - status: #{item.status}     li.loading item #{} - status: #{item.status} 

which renders me:

item 1 - status: loading item 2 - status: finished item 3 - status: finished item 4 - status: loading 

what periodically poll changes on individual list items , refresh them if status has changed. far able away refreshing whole list:

ul#list   == render 'status_list', list_items: @list_items 


if $('.loading').length > 0   setinterval (=>     @refreshlistpartial()   ), 5000 

where @refreshlitspartial ajax function hits rails controller goes on refresh whole list partial:

$("#list").html("<%= escape_javascript(render partial: 'status_list', locals: { list_items: @list_items } ) %>"); 

but how 1 go in order check state of individual list items on page , refresh them? know react easier solution task, possible accomplish rails without jumping on dozen hoops? thing came mind actioncable (i'm using rails 5), opening perma-connection functionality seems overkill, i'd rather prefer polling.


just thinking out loud. refresh multiple partials instead of 1 i'll need arrive in .js.erb file:

<%- @items.each |item| %>   $("#list-item-<%= %>").html("<%= escape_javascript(render partial: 'item', locals: { list_item: item } ) %>"); <% end %> 

the view should like:

ul#list   @list_items.each |item|     == render 'list_item', list_item: @list_item 

so what's left ajax function should ids' of list items needed refreshed , send them controller array.

i ended doing extension of myself proposed in question update.

frontend code checks whether partials need refreshed based on data-tags:

class jobrequestpartialreload   constructor: ->     checkforrunningjobs = ->       if $('.poll_for_changes').length > 0         @arr = []         $('.poll_for_changes').each (index, element) =>             @arr.push(element.closest('[data-id]')         senddatatorails()      senddatatorails = ->       $.ajax         url: "/jobs/refresh_list"         method: "post"         data: {jobrequestlist: @arr}      setinterval (=>       checkforrunningjobs()     ), 10000  $(document).on 'turbolinks:load', new jobrequestpartialreload 


  def refresh_list     ajax_data = params[:jobrequestlist].map(&:to_i)     @job_requests = jobrequest.includes(...).where(id: ajax_data)      respond_to |format|       format.js     end   end 

finally, js.erb file:

<% @job_requests.each |job| %>   <% case job.state %>   <% when 'initiated' %>     // don't care   <% when 'active' %>     visiblestatus = $('#job-id-<%= %> .status-list').text()     if (visiblestatus == 'initiated') {       $('#job-id-<%= %>').html("<%= escape_javascript(render partial: 'job_requests/shared/job_request', locals: { job: job } ) %>");   <% else %>     // failed, completed, etc.     $('#job-id-<%= %>').html("<%= escape_javascript(render partial: 'job_requests/shared/job_request', locals: { job: job } ) %>");   <% end %> <% end %> 

answer update

i later added js code checked whether partials in actual user viewport, , checked them, @ rate of 5-10 seconds. reduced number of queries each client sending.


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