vb.net - Exception with sqlite database "no such table" -
first of i´m developing database autosuggest box. i´ve created database db browser , imported data. reading documentation in c# how connect database , retrieve data. issue show exception error:
i´ve connected database in properties content option. paste code:
public notinheritable class metartaf inherits page dim dbpath string = path.combine(applicationdata.current.localfolder.path, "airportsdb.sqlite3") dim conn sqlite.net.sqliteconnection = new sqlite.net.sqliteconnection(new winrt.sqliteplatformwinrt(), dbpath) dim airportinfo list(of string) = nothing public sub new() ' call required designer. initializecomponent() end sub private sub autosuggestbox_textchanged(sender autosuggestbox, args autosuggestboxtextchangedeventargs) dim datairport new list(of string) dim retrieve = conn.table(of flugzeuginfo)().tolist if args.reason = autosuggestionboxtextchangereason.userinput if sender.text.length > 1 each item in retrieve datairport.add(item.iata) datairport.add(item.icao) datairport.add(item.location) datairport.add(item.airport) datairport.add(item.country) next airportinfo = datairport.where(function(x) x.startswith(sender.text)).tolist() sender.itemssource = airportinfo end if else sender.itemssource = "no results..." end if end sub private sub autosuggestbox_suggestionchosen(sender autosuggestbox, args autosuggestboxsuggestionchoseneventargs) dim selecteditem = args.selecteditem.tostring() sender.text = selecteditem end sub private sub autosuggestbox_querysubmitted(sender autosuggestbox, args autosuggestboxquerysubmittedeventargs) if args.chosensuggestion nothing stationidtxt.text = args.chosensuggestion.tostring end if end sub
anyone this?
before query or insert table, should create
it. tells sqlite columns have , suggests datatypes (on other rdbms's actual data type enforcement sqlite not that). if problem, want spend time sqlite documentation on data types , ability hook them application.
on other hand, seem trying retrieve data, suggess 1 of 2 things wrong. either care connecting wrong db (in case sqlite helpfully create empty db you!) or else specifying wrong table.
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