javascript - meteor js (meteor-autoform + iron router) pass value after form is submitted -

after form validated redirect user specific page , display values. don't know if way think use correct one. here's tried already:

creating form in template:

{{> quickform collection="transactions" id="inserttransaction" type="insert"}} 

then created hook called when form validated & inserted

autoform.addhooks('inserttransaction',{   onsuccess: function(data){     router.go('one', null, {query: 'amount=' + data->amount});     console.log(data);   } }); 

@michel floyd

my one.html

<template name="one"> <div class="row">     <div class="col-sm-7">        1 page...     </div>     <div class="col-sm-5">         {{ amount }}     </div> </div> </template> 

my code home.js (client/home.js):

autoform.addhooks('inserttransaction',{ onsuccess: function(data, data2, data3){      result = transactions.findone(data2, { amount: 1});     amount = (result["amount"]);     router.go('one',{amount: amount}); } }); 

here's router code:

router.route('/one/:amount',()=>{ name: 'one', this.render('one', {data: this.params.amount}); }); 

i "no route found named "one"" time.

first create route amount param, i.e.

router.route('/one/:amount',()=>{   name: 'one',   this.render('one', {data: this.params.amount}); }); 

then use router.go('one',{amount: amount});

note there's no underscore next amount in this.params.amount


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